TREE HOUSE is a Christian-based Sunday morning group for children at school (aged 4-11 years).
It meets on Sundays at Verwood Methodist Church, Vicarage Road, Verwood, Dorset, BH31 6DR.
10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Great Games!
Cool Craft!
Spectacular Stories!
Fantastic Fun!
TREE HOUSE is part of the children’s ministry of Verwood Methodist Church and is led by Suzannah and her fab team of children’s workers.
All our TREE HOUSE leaders are safely-recruited, trained and DBS-verified in line with the Safeguarding Policy of The Methodist Church.
TREE HOUSE offers activities each Sunday morning which are fun, faith-based and completely free of charge.
We operate a signing in and out system each week. Children can be signed in on the day from 10:45 am and parents can either go home or go into the 11 am service.
The group runs alongside the 11am Sunday Service and each session finishes by joining together with the adults for the last 10 minutes. Tea, coffee and squash is then usually served and parents can either grab a cuppa and check out what the kids have been up to or simply collect them and leave.
Here's what's coming up this Winter/Spring at

You can download a PDF version of the Spring & Summer 2024 Programme here:

If you’d like your child or children to give TREE HOUSE a try then please just click the ‘REGISTER’ button below and complete the necessary consent form. Then just turn up at 10:45 am on any of the Sundays above! We’d love to see you.
If you’d like to talk to us about it first then please feel free to get in touch.
Hope to see you soon in the TREE HOUSE!