Author: nickthev_wp

Another Seasonal Story of Hope

Suzannah and I have this morning recorded another seasonal Story of Hope. This one will be number 17 in our series and features Sooty, Sweep and Croc and the account of Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness from Matthew 4: 1-11. This will probably be the final one as we’ve now filmed our way through the…
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The Christingle Song Lives On!

A few years ago now I wrote, recorded and released a song specifically for a Christingle Service. It’s called (not very originally) The Christingle Song! It has been used by different churches in the UK for a while but with the COVID situation it has this year just gone nuts! I’ve had so many people…
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Christmas Is Coming!

As many of you know, Suzannah and I have been leading worship on Zoom for several months now. I’m pleased to be able to release details of some of the exciting special services that we have planned over the festive period. If you can’t get to a Church or would rather not visit a church…
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Life on Zoom!

Suzannah and I are now running a weekly Zoom Worship at 10:30 am every Sunday morning on behalf the Poole Bay Methodist Circuit. Please see the Services page for more details. Also we’ve been ‘Zooming’ Activ8 for quite a while too. Please check out the Activ8 page for dates and times for this new Autumn…
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Stories of Hope – Completed!

After 4 months and 14 episodes Suzannah and I have now completed the recording of our final (at least for now) Stories of Hope video. The last one is No. 14 – David & Goliath and was recorded and edited today. It will be available from 8 am on Sunday 26th July.  We did this…
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STORIES OF HOPE – Back for a second series!

 After a continuous run of 10 weekly episodes, we finished up Series 1 of STORIES OF HOPE and took three weeks off.  The videos have proved popular and we are humbled by the way in which they have been appreciated and shared by all kinds of different people – in all kinds of different places.…
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Methodist Podcast Interview

Earlier this week I was interviewed (via Zoom) by Michael Ivatt of the Methodist Church Media Team. He wanted to know all about our lockdown project: Stories of Hope  It was great to talk to him and to be able to share some of the backstory behind our Sooty & Sweep videos. The interview was released…
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Stories of Hope Continue!

We’re delighted at the response to our new lockdown project: Stories of Hope. The last two videos have been very well received and are being watched and shared all over the UK and indeed even the world. So Suzannah and I have made a commitment to producing a new video for each Sunday whilst the…
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Stories of Hope

Suzannah and I have begun a new lockdown project: weekly 15 minute YouTube videos of Sooty and Sweep (and friends) telling Bible stories. The series is called ‘Stories of Hope’ and you can read more about it and watch the first video on the dedicated Stories of Hope page.

My New Song is Released!

Check out the Press Release